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Exception Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Exceptions are those errors which can’t be resolved at compile time and often comes to occur at runtime (like divide by zero, file not found or input output failure) these all are runtime error and so called exception.

Dealing with Exception

In JAVA we have to put some extra codes in our program which will take care of these exceptions.
So as matter of fact JAVA provides us a class Hierarchy which provide us so many types of Exception class.
Types of Exception:--
1.     Unchecked Exception
ü Arithmetic Exception
ü ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
ü NullPointerException
ü ClasscastException
ü NumberFormateException
2.     Checked Exception
ü IOException
ü InterruptedException

These are some types of exceptions which is commonly used in learning exception Handling.

 Exception Handling is a process in which you can save your program from corrupted or failure when some exception occurs.
 Keywords used in Exception Handling
ü try
ü catch
ü throws
ü throw
ü finally
try :-- It is block in program which surrounds those statements who are in exception zone.
catch :-- This is also a block where we can write some code to handle the exception because as soon as any exception occurs in try block execution control jumps to the matching catch block.
thorws :-- It makes the list of all exception which may occur in any method.
thorw :-- This keyword is used to throw the exception explicitly and some where later in the program it is catch by some catch block.
finally :-- finally block is always optional you can use or may not use and it is catch independent (means no matter exception occurs or not ) finally block always get executed.

Example of try and catch:----

public class abc
            public static void main(String as[])
                        int a=12;
                        int b=0;
                                    int c=a/b;
                        }catch(ArithmeticException e)
                                    System.out.println("Exception occured "+e);

Multiple catch for try:----

public class abc
            public static void main(String as[])
                        int a=12;
                        int b=0;
                        int arr[]=new int[3];
                                    int c=a/b;
                        }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ar)
                                    System.out.println("Exception occurred "+ar);
                        catch(ArithmeticException er)
                                    System.out.println("Exception occurred "+er);
                        catch(Exception e)
                                    System.out.println("Exception occurred "+e);
Note :-- whenever any exception is occurred all catch is matched one by one from top to bottom until any catch match the exception type. If no catch is matched to exception java runtime automatically handle the exception.
Note:-- in above example we have putted three catch block or we can also put only on catch of Exception class that will also work because ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and ArithmeticException are the sub class of Exception class.
                        Then the fact is when you use multiple catch block for single try block always keep your approach specific to general.

Exception --à is a general
ArithmeticException -àis specific to  Arithmetic type  Exception only

Use of throw throws and finally
Throws and throw is used when we have method except main(). Writing so many try and catch block in all method is never a good idea so you can just throw the exception from a method and it can be cached elsewhere in program or at the time when method gets invoked.

class test
            void divide()throws ArithmeticException
                        int a=34;
                        int b=0;
                        int c=a/b;
                        throw new ArithmeticException();
            void array()throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
                        int a=34;
                        int b=0;
                        int c=a/b;
                        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
public class abc
            public static void main(String as[])
                        test t = new test();
                        catch(Exception e)
                                    System.out.println("Exception occurred "+e);
                                    System.out.println("this is finally block it's always run");

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